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Automated Control Systems
High demands come with the territory of this industry. One degree difference in temperature or altering air humidity can have vital implications of harvested goods. The indoor temperature and humidity is, a sensitive factor in a greenhouse when you are driving to get the highest quality and quantity. We have developed our lighting in mind of these needs and our ILUMINAR light fixtures work with the following Automation Control Systems.
AGROMATION"The AgroMation team has more than 25 years of expertise creating and building automatic control systems and can make sure that the product you get is what you want and need to be prosperous. Taking the time to work with our industry insiders to ensure our product fits the commercial smart farm industry. Control your lights from the MCP (Master Control Panel), or LCP (Lighting Control Panel) control 4-40,000 lights."
ARGUS CONTROLS"Ultimate production requires the very best automatic controls. With an effective array features designed to meet the needs of greenhouse growers, Argus presents the instruments you need to deliver unprecedented quality and excellent yields together with extensive 24/7 monitoring of all greenhouse conditions and controllable processes. Part of our service, we choose and preconfigure all of the control components required to meet your specific needs. "
HORTIMAX"Hortimax are one of the prominent providers of horticultural control systems. They are based in the UK now for well over 40 years. Backed by Hortimax in Holland. Hortimax supplies advanced horticultural solutions: – environment and power control – irrigation and nutrient control – labor and productivity managing software"
PRIVA"Our products and services are utilized in greenhouses, and urban farming, We developed dedicated programs, which can be easily calibrated up to other to nearby sectors. Our solution helps to encourage a more productive business with the lowest use of resources. We call that creating a climate for growth."
RIDDERUser-friendly automatic control systems highlight a full array of environmental controllable functions. The systems support greenhouse processes to remain thriving in both size and complexity. You will have no problem mastering new features of the system as it's upgraded. Our computers are specially created to help you control resources such as energy, water, and nutrients so you can obtain maximum efficiency.
TROLMASTER"Hydro-X Control System • Automated Hydroponic Controllable System • Environmental control for light, temperaure, humidity, CO2, timing devices • Modular and simple to Customize multiple rooms, zones and schedules • Free Phone App Monitor, Logging and Controlling • Irrigation Control System "
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